Ict and economic development in nigeria pdf file

The experts are yet to determine how ict should be used to foster growth in order to contribute more to nigerias economic and social development. American university of nigeria community engagement initiative is used as a case study to. The general objective of this study is to analyze the impact of ict on the nigerian economic growth and development and the following are the specific objectives. Prior studies have xrayed the potentials and impetus for development that can be resultant from a full scale adoption of ict in africa particularly in nigeria. For instance in nigeria, and in most african countries, the rate of diffusion of in formation communication technology ict is on the increase. Pdf the effect of ict on economic growth in nigeria. The study proffers recommendations that the federal government of nigeria can adopt to enhance ict in nigeria for its economic growth which include enhanced funding and the development of an ict. The new policy is expected to reduce high levels of ict imports, with rapid currency depreciation offering the country a new opportunity to foster domestic ict. The idi is a standard tool that governments, operators, development agencies, researchers and others can use to measure the digital divide and compare ict performance within and across countries. Ict for good governance and socioeconomic development in. Alleviating poverty through ict as a means of sustainable. Information and communication technology in nigeria. Ict, imperative for sustainable development in nigeria. Economic growth with ict investment boom in nigeria.

Resources, con ict, and economic development in africa. Resources, con ict, and economic development in africa achyuta adhvaryuy james fenskez gaurav khannax anant nyshadhamapril 2017 abstract natural resources have driven both growth and con ict in modern africa. D department of political science, benue state university, makurdi abstract the paper examines rural or community development in nigeria with emphasis on the institutions, agencies, policies and strategies employed to bring about the much needed. The outcome of this study will be a useful guide to the government of nigeria, policy makers and the general public on how. Pdf an empirical analysis of ict and economic growth in nigeria. To examine the impact of ict on the nigerian economic growth and development. The experts are yet to determine how ict should be used to foster growth in order to contribute more to nigeria s economic and social development. Ict and economic growth comparing developing, emerging. The impacts positive and negative of ict on education in.

The impact of information technology on nigerian economy. With roughly twothird of the world economy based on services, and the rise of india, philippines, and other nations as global it players, many developing countries have accepted ict as a national mission. Some services sectors are also considered to be the backbone of economic activity and have a bearing on social development. Over the past decade, new applications of ict have improved service delivery. Nafisat afolake adedokunshittu 1 abdul jaleel kehinde shittu2 abstract. This paper examines the impact of information and communication technology ict use on economic growth using the generalized method of moments gmm estimator within the framework of a dynamic panel data approach and applies it to 159 countries over the period 2000 to 2009. It is our hope that this publication will contribute to that end. Resources, con ict, and economic development in africa achyuta adhvaryuy james fenskez gaurav khannax anant nyshadhamseptember 2016 abstract natural resources have driven both growth and con ict in modern africa. The ict development index is based on 11 ict indicators, grouped in three clusters.

Ict has not contributed to nigerian economic growth and development. The policy empowers nitda to enter into strategic alliances. To identify ways by which ict can contribute to economic growth and development. The impact of information and communication technology on youth and its. We then present some stylized facts on ict and financial inclusion followed by the presentation of our. The paper concludes that development of ict will provide employment opportunities to the youths thereby securing the nation both socially. Ict and economic growth comparing developing, emerging and developed countries thomas niebel. Information and communication technology policy and legal issues for central asia guide for ict policymakers.

Ict has contributed to nigerian economic growth and development. Objectives of the study the main thrust of this paper is to investigate the impact of information technology it on. Ict development in nigeria focused mainly on print and electronic media. In the lay mans parlance, the trick is to see how ict can make nigeria the economic hub in africa. Project muse information and communication technology in. Technological entrepreneurship is the platform that accelerates the diffusion of successful technological innovation in an economy. Economic growth with ict investment boom in nigeria 31. In this paper, we attempt to further clarify how ict is conceptualized in development and its impact on the economy of the nation. In particular, infrastructure services encompassing transport, telecommunications, water, energy and financial services are of critical importance to economic development and could. Impact of information and communication technology on. The impacts positive and negative of ict on education in nigeria israel b. Ict can significantly and positively impact the educational and economic landscape of nigeria if deployed.

Despite its potential, ict can introduce new ways for fraudulent practices and corruption to occur. Ict in socioeconomic development ict is one platform technology amongst a range of technologies that has redefined human activities in phenomenal ways. Olaore, phd senior lecturer, babcock university, nigeria abstract during the last decades, considerable resources have been invested in hardware, software, connections, training and support actions under the scope of improving the quality of teaching and learning. Icts are used for economic development in africa and the role of higher education institutions heis in this regard. This is approved for students in accountancy business computer science economics engineering arts. Impact of information and communication technology on economic growth in selected islamic countries mohammad ali moradi ph.

Nigeria ict oxford business group economic research. This article reports the impacts of technology integration on teaching and learning from a study that examines the impact of ict deployment in teaching and learning at a university in nigeria. The analysis of the contributions of information and. Information and communication technology use and economic. Alleviating poverty through ict as a means of sustainable socioeconomic growth in nigeria icts are usually understood to refer to computers and the internet, but many consider this view to be limited, as it excludes the more traditional and usually more common. But nigeria, like other nations, faces the inevitability of the technical, content, economic, institutional and regulatory convergence in a. The impact of ict on the nigerian economic growth and development, free undergraduate project topics, research materials, education project topics, economics project topics, computer science project topics, hire a data analyst. Pdf economic growth theories predict that economic growth is driven by investments in information and communication technology ict. The paper summarises secondary data on eight countries, namely ghana, nigeria, uganda, kenya, tanzania, mozambique, madagascar and south.

Role of ict in nigerias economic development news in africa. Using a primary data sourced through a structured questionnaire administered to selected banks in southwest nigeria. When wrongly applied, ict can hinder national development and economic prosperity, deepen existing inequalities between developed and developing nations, between high, medium. Moreover, ict a central force in economic and social shifts that has technology skill critical to future employment of todays. Information and communication technology policy and legal. Pdf nigeria has witnessed a great change in information and communication technology ict as a result of the liberalisation of the.

Prospects of ict for digital growth and national development in nigeria article pdf available august 2019 with 38 reads how we measure reads. Pdf prospects of ict for digital growth and national. Miles 2001 explained that economic growth could happen in two ways. The fifth plenary session of the fifteenth congress of the communist party of nigeria recently. Abstract this short country report, a result of larger information for development program infodev supported survey of the information and communication technologies ict in education in africa, provides a general overview of current activities and issues related to ict use in education in the country. This chapter explores ict interventions, the role of universities in socioeconomic development, knowledge creation and dissemination literature before taking a look at a university intervention in ict for development in a small rural community in yola, northeastern nigeria. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.

Augustines college of education akoka, lagos,nigeria. In 2014, with the rebasing of the countrys gdp has set to transform nigeria into the continents most important economy measured in terms of gdp size, with an estimated. Historical development of ict in nigeria in nigeria, the ict sector in times past was characterised by the following. Nigerias future brighter with ict the guardian nigeria.

While there are improvements in ict oriented services, nigeria as a country, and africa at large is still behind in terms of emerging technologies genetics, nanotechnology, robotics. Internationally, the united nations actively promote ict for development ict4d as a means of bridging the digital divide. Impacts of information and communication technology in. Pdf ict and its impact on national development in nigeria a. The development of information and communication technologies in nigerian libraries abstract the development and use of information and communications technologies ict in the libraries of nigeria has been a slowly emerging process involving many successes and failures over the past decades. Information and communication technologies in the nigerian. This paper explores how ict supported education reforms can have the effect of increasing. Evidence from 1914 2014 find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Pdf economic drivers of most developed and developing nations are believed to be anchored on their population growth, gdp per capita. Ict and development information and communications technology ict is viewed as both a means and an end for development.

Pdf on dec 29, 2016, dominic udochi and others published economic development dynamics in nigeria. Since the early 1980s, information and communication technology ict has permitted people to participate in a world in which school, work, and other activities have been increasingly enhanced by access to. Framework for technological entrepreneurship development. The african center for ict innovation and training, an american university of nigeria. Economic development nigeria product, growth, economic. Get free research paper on impact of information communications technology on the nigerian economic growth and development project topics and materials in nigeria.

The role and prospect of information and communication. Abstract many countries including nigeria regard the use of information and communication technology ict as a driver of economic development. In an effort to boost nonoil growth and job creation, the government of nigeria rolled out a new threeyear ict development agenda emphasising domestic industry and local content. Appraising the role of information communication technology ict as a change agent for higher. Department of computer science federal polytechnic bali, taraba state, pmb 05, nigeria 2. This was attributed to the lack of emphasis on ict development in the existing policy, that is, the full awareness of the potentials of icts to liberate the country from the shackle of poverty was totally absent. The importance, how to, effect causes relationship, comparison, history, role, solutions are discussed. Role of ict in nigerias economic development news in. Evaluating the impact of technology 1 integration in. Ict policies nigeria started implementing its ict policy in april 2001 after the federal executive council approved it by establishing the national information technology development agency nitda,8 the implementing body. The impact of ict on the nigerian economic growth and. Nevertheless, the niger delta development commission nddc was created to coordinate economic and social development in the oilproducing region.

A study of the educational sector in lagos state ayoola r. Evaluating the impact of technology integration in teaching and learning. Ict information and communication technology ipr intellectual property rights. Ict for development ict4d as a means of bridging the digital divide. The impact of information and communication technology. Information communication technology ict to optimize products and services delivery is the most important element in the development of nigeria as a nation.

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